About Us
The multi-tasking activities enables the transfer of lessons from one field of operation to another.
The handling of claim events and root cause investigation of failures improves the ability to identify hazards
and to provide solutions as a part of the risk management process.
It applies to risk analysis, underwriter information and system designs.
Dan Arbel Risk Engineering Ltd is engaged in the physical risk environment:
Analysis & Loss Prevention:
- Analysis of Physical Risks of Industrial and Commercial Businesses.
- Preparation of underwriter risk reports for the Insurance Industry.
- Improving the Risk by installing loss prevention means.
- Fire Protection Engineering.
- Insurance Consulting
If the event does occur:
- Loss Adjusting and/or Preparation of Insurance Claims.
- Handling Restoration of losses.
- Investigation of Fires.
- Investigation of failures of fire protection systems.
We offer a multi-dimensional approach of dealing with risks: